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Office of Sub. Ass't. Com'r Bu. R.F and A.L 
Centreville Leon Co Texas.
18" February 1867 

1" Lieut J.T. Kirkman
A.A.A.G., Bu. R.F and AL.


I have the honor to report that on the night of the 16" Ins't. a party of White men 4 or 5 in number. Visited the Plantation of Cap't Cessna. on Trinity River.  3 miles from Alabama crossing. Set fire to the principal House and Outer Buildings which were burned to the ground and killed Freedmen Wash Warton & Wash Hollaman. mortally wounding Freedmen H Burton and Aron Sims.  The Civil authorities have issued Warrants against three of the parties who were recognised by the wounded Freedmen. but they have not yet been found.  I suspect Et Burroughs. Surveyor of Leon Co. as being the instigator of this outrage. as he was heard to make threats of burning the place and killing every Freedman on it.  his son and two of his Nephews are the parties recognized by the wounded Freedmen.  This outrage was committed without