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except Harrison Co. which does better as the presence of the Military has a beneficial effect.
Titus Co. is more quiet than Hopkins but demoralization is the general epidemic.

Red River Co. is in a very bad condition Civil law is a farce. Horse stealing is the only crime punishable. a freedman has not the least show for justice. A freedman was sent three years to the penitentiary because his employer missed a side of bacon from his smoke house, no evidence but suspicion. They whip as usual that being in the contract a negro must sign, he dare not leave. many have started but their corpses have been produced and presented to the freedmen, showing the inevitable effect of trying to leave. Mr Albert Lattimer just appointed Sub. Asst. Com is the right man in the right place, being thoroughly loyal. A man well known and eminently fitted to administer Justice. Hardin Hart lately appointed at Greenville Hunt Co is also one of the bravest the halter had no terror for these men. They have been tried and found pure. Three brothers Bud, Tip and Maj Fisher are scouting along the border of Red River Lamar and Bowie Counties after escaping in the Chickasaw nation then into Arkansas. They murder any one who is

Transcription Notes:
2.8.2023 - Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review