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committing outrages upon the Freedmen in every instance that opportunity offers.  An instance of this kind culminated in the death of two Freedmen of which I apprised you several days ago. Several acts of violence have lately been committed upon Freedman which I am powerless to act upon, or in other words cannot reach the parties without a suitable force of mounted men. in fact the Freedmen do not dare to report such cases, without they know they can be protected.

There is several Northern men planting in the county and threats have been made that they should never gather their crop.  I have stated these facts General to show you the real condition of the county, and to show you it is necessary that I should have a few mounted men to enforce the regulations of the Bureau.  I enclose a request for the required number of men.

I am very respectfully
Your obt servt
A.H. Randlett
Capt & Sub Asst Comr B.R.F & A.L.

J.B. Kiddoo
Bvt Maj Genl & Asst Com