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prejudice exists against Colored Troops; only one man has been informed, by me, of the receipt of the above named order and already men are loudly swearing on the street that "they never can arrest them" But I do not care for their talk; if they were only mounted they could try and enforce my orders and if successful resistance was made the country would have to stand the consequence; but unmounted men are useless. I need a strong mounted guard. I write what I know, for I know the country and was stationed here a long time (in Command of Companys "B" and "I" 3rd" Michigan Col Infty) previous to being mustered out of the service. Day-before-yesterday I was out a few miles from the town when a freedman was murdered almost before my own eyes and for no other offence accept that of being a freedman. The murderer had so many of his chums with him that I could not arrest him alone and the Civil Authoritys will do nothing- Even now while I write to you a crowd