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Office Sub Asst Com
Courtney Grimes Co  Texas
Aug 13th 1866

Genl I have the honor to make the following report of the murder of two (2) Freedmen Lew & Jack, at the Plantation of DH Fields From the testimony of a son of the deceased Lew, and others, I find that there had been a difficulty on Sunday the 22d of July. 1866.  And three (3) sons of Lew had made threats to kill Fields, arming themselves for that purpose, and lying in wait for him, The family of Fields became alarmed for their safety, and immediately sent for me to come quell the disturbance  I made an appointment to go on Wedns the 22nd but was disapointed in getting conveyance.  And as I did not arrive Fields consulted with his neighbors, who thought it best to take the arms from the Freedmen and retain them untill I could be consulted.  A son of Fields with several others went to the Freedmen, and asked for the 