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Office S.A.C 28th Sub District B.R.F. and A. L. 
Sterling, Texas. June 29th 1867, 
Lieut J.T. Kirkman, 
A. A. Adjt. hence
Galveston, Texas
In compliance with paragraph III. General Orders No. 5, dated Headquarters. Feb. 2, 1867. I respectfully make the following statement: 
On Sunday the 19th of May 1867, Peter Milstead, a small planter living some 10 miles from Owensville, Robertson Co., Texas came to that place, fully armed for the purpose of settling a difficulty with one Collard, a lawyer. Information coming to Collard of how matters stood, he procured a revolver & expressed his willingness to fight-it-out-on that line. Milstead, finding that Collard was not to be intimidated by threats, backed down - got considerably intoxicated, and on his way home that evening- feeling no doubt- a little chagrined at being backed down after making big threats - was cursing everything in general & the freedmen in particular. Noticing a freedman by the name of Frank Moore, a short distance from him, Milstead said something like "there goes a Gd D--nd Nigger." and commenced shooting at the freedman. After firing some three times & severely wounding the freedman in the shoulder, the other white men with Milstead pulled him from his horse & held him until the freedman made good his escape, or Milstead would have killed him as he said he intended to do. 
The civil authorities took the matter in hand, but on