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trial the freedman could not be found, & no witnesses could be procured to testify against Milstead and the case was dimissed. 
The affair was kept very quiet, and I did not obtain the particulars until some time afterwards. On the 17th of June I visited Owensville & becoming fully satisfied that the facts were as above stated, I issued the following orders which appear of record in my Copy Book. 
"No. 39 Owensville, Texas June 17th, 1867. 
To T. B. Logan Esq. 
Sheriff of Robertson Co. Texas
You are hereby ordered to immediately arrest, using such additional force as you may deem necessary, Peter Milstead of Robertson, Texas, and him safely keep in close confinement until further orders, immediately notify me of the arrest. By order of 
J. L. Randall, Sub=Asst.- Com'r. B.R.F and A. L. 

I also issued orders for the arrest of J.H.H. Stubbs, J.W. Phipps and the freedman Frank Moore & wife, as witnesses.
I wanted the Sheriff to start immediately, but he had innumerable excuses to offer for not going, but he said that by the following Friday he would expect the orders, or by the next Monday at the furthest- that day a week that he would bring them to Sterling. The next Saturday I saw the Sheriff at Sterling, but he had not arrested the parties, but would certainly do it in a day or two. This matter remained until yesterday, when I went to Owensville to look after that matter & some others. Upon arrival I found that Milstead and one of the witnesses were in town & I ordered the sheriff to