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To Gen Griffith
Com'dg the District of Texas
The undersigned Citizens of [[Ranferean?]] County most respectfully represent that the office of Clerk of the County Court for Said County is not properly attended to from the fact that the clerk himself does not attend to the duties of the office but leaves the business to be attend to by deputies -
And for Causes which will be made known to you by Capt A. Evans we respectfully ask you to appoint M.A. Morris Clerk of Said County Court

[[2 Columned Table]]
| Name |   |
| --- | --- |
| J. T. Rozel | John Oreky |
| George Poshail| George Daugherty |
| Henry Moor | James Daugherty |
|George Everard 26th US Inft | Thomas Pattent |
| John Allen | Efrom Loss |
| John Reese | Andrew Buck|
| James Laughran| E H Alvis |
| Conrad Mitchler | Henry Buck |
| Aaron Oppenheim| Jacob Buck |
| John Loof | Jack Buck |
| James Gardner | L B Bazan |
| James F Brown | Wm Moody US Soldier |
|R.S Wilson | Henry Moody US|
| Wm Wilson | James Moody expeled from home in the Rebellion |
| R H Hindman| J.M. Lenton|
| W S Woodard |   |

Transcription Notes:
While not technically a table, probably easiest way to transcribe so hopefully ok.