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Office S.A.C. 28th Sub District B.R.F. &c
Sterling, Texas June 7th 1867

Lieut J.T. Kirkman
A.A.Adjt Gen'l B.R.F. &c
Galveston, Texas

I have the honor to respectfully report that your communication dated at Hd Qrs the 1st inst. has been received and contents noted. I shall take no further action in the case of Charles H. Brandon & wife, Freedmen vs Mrs E.H. Mitchell until I shall have been so instructed from Headquarters.
Agreeably to instructions I will proceed to give a detailed statement of the case of Charles H. Brandon & wife, Freedmen vs Mrs. E.H. Mitchell, so far as it has been brought before me. Preliminary to which, I would respectfully make the following representations for the better understanding of the same. Soon after assuming duty at this point, complaint was made to me by several Freedmen & women against Mrs E.H. Mitchell for non payment in full of last year's wages. Upon inquiry as to who Mrs. Mitchell was, I was informed that she was a wealthy lady who cultivated a large plantation on the Brazos River, some six miles from Sterling, and that if I had any actions against her I should get more than I bargained for. I however, wrote her a polite note, asking her to call at my office in Sterling, at her earliest convenience in person or by agent or attorney, with all papers necessary to make a settlement with the Ross family for labor for the year 1866: Stating that I would be at leisure on a specified day for the purpose of attending to the same

Transcription Notes:
2.9.2023 - Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review