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Marshall Texas
July 27th 1867

Lieut J T Kirkman

I reached this point on the 26th inst & leave this afternoon for Mount Pleasant. I have spoken with several parties since my arrival in reference to the state of affairs in the Red River Counties. I findthat the condition of the counties to be if possible worse than reported by Mr. Sinclair. The gangs of desperadoes which infest the region are supposed to be organized & though usually waning on their own account, yet concentrate at a few hours notice to resist arrest

I understand that a force of about thirty men was recently sent to Clarksville from Mt Pleasant but remained but a day or so, & then returned. The Assessor of the Revenue for the County reflects severely upon the conduct of the officer in command of this party, & says that he did more harm than good. I of course am ignorant in reference to the truth of these reports but will report further upon my arrival
