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In Robertson County I found a tenible state of affairs. Mr. Randall the S.A.C. I found on the right side and determined to do his duty since the escape of Ryan with the soldier the rebels have publicly avowed their intention of shooting the "Bureau" next, as they believe what few solders there are will desert. After Maj Hunsaker left Randall was taken sick with the Bilian fever and though he sent repeatedly for the Doctors not one would come near him.

Capt. Thompsen the book keeper for Ranger & Co is the only known Union man in the county outside of the Bureau.

It was and is quite a relief to come from the two aforementioned counties to this county where everything is quiet and orderly and where in my opinion the Bureau possesses a judicious firm officer who endeavors to do his duty despite reports to the contrary. Certainly it is a great deal in Col. Sturgis favor when under his administration this Sub District has been quiet & orderly when disorder and murder have stalked rampant all about him Shall go from here to Cotton Gin

Very Truly
Your Obt Servg
G.T. Ruby
Agt B.R.F. & A.L.