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Marlin Falls Co Texas July 27th 1867Lt. J. t. Kirkman
A.A.A G.B R.T & A L
State of Texas

Dear Sir;

I wrote you yesterday an "ex-parte" Statement of matters here affecting the official acts of Col. Sturgis--Justice to the other side demands that their Statement be also presented. It is said by several of the leading Union men here that the S.A.C. for this County has on several occasions (vouched for and authenticated by parties) been guilty of refusing to listen to and entertain complaints of alleged abuse and all treatment on the part of planter--blows and sticks having been used--towards freedmen and that the latter generally are unfairly treated and will be more so since registration has commenced unless effective measures are taken to prevent the same.

When I heard these statements, I have asked "Is not your County quiet"? Does not the S.A.C. really do all he can"? The answer is returned--"Our County was noted for its lack of murders and grave outrages even during the war, and to-day it remains the same, save that the freedmen are being abused in the manner stated, and the Union cause will suffer thereby." I again asked, "Why not yourselves go to Col. Sturgis, represent matters from your standpoint, and tell him he is unwittingly, perhaps, frightening the freedmen from any action in the work of Reconstruction"? They answer-"We have been done so, but we are willing to try again". Meanwhile I have told the Colonel how matters stand and find him express a warm