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Office S.A. Comr 53d Sub Dist
Bu R.F. & A.L.
Anderson, Texas Aug 6" 1867

J.T. Kirkman
Lieut 36th U.S. Infty A.A.A. Genl
Galveston, Texas

Sir  I have the honor to report in compliance with cir letter dated March 8th /67 Hd Qrs BRF & AL Galveston Texas

That there has been no Rations issued during the month of July 1867 in Grimes County, and that there is no Lands (Abandoned) in [[strikethrough]] my [[/strikethrough]] this county to report for July 1867

Very respectflly
Your ob't serv't
N.H. Randlett
Capt VRC & S.A. Com'r