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town, the bar men are frightened, the good citizens encouraged. Already two men of the "gang" have cleared out, fearing arrest, which has placed me on my guard, &, I shall soon be in possession of facts in relation to their crimes. Anderson is now bed-ridden, having been wounded in a shooting affair. I shall probably arrest him as soon as he can be moved. Stanley is a difficult man, very shrewd, & careful, & covers his tracks after him effectually, he is a church member, & makes long prayers I understand, but is unquestionably a bad man. I hope to fasten something upon him, though his general reputation among good citizens would in my opinion warrant his arrest.

On the 19th of July, the law & order men of Clarksville organized a "protective league", for the purpose of aiding the civil & military authorities in preserving order. The league now numbers at least one hundred (100), & each member is bound by oath to have arms always at hand, & to assist the authorities in every manner possible. I have found the aid organization invaluable. A Copy their "Proceedings" have been forwarded to you. 

There will be a strong effort made by petition & otherwise to induce Genl Griffin to release Duty & Whitsill on bail, but I respectfully submit that this course would be wrong. It is essential that these parties be at the least confined several months, & I think