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of his presence immediately, & very quietly took a squad of soldiers surrounded the house where he was stopping, & being in citizens clothes, & as yet unknown, walked into the saloon, with one of my men, who was on good terms with the proprietor, & who pointed out my man, who had two revolvers on, watching my opportunity I cocked my pistol, & told him he was my prisoner, my man covering me at the same instant with carbines levelled, no resistance was made, & my captive was marched off to jail, which I guarded strongly. This morning I heard that Mitchell was about, & arrested him with the assistance of two of my soldiers; I then directed all my men to report to me immediately, ready for march, & I started with the prisoners for Mount Pleasant, the jail being insecure, I had been advised that an attempt would be made to rescue them, & therefore thought it advisable to go myself. I accompanied the party twenty miles, or within sixteen miles of Mt Pleasant & sending the prisoners forward under strong guard, returned with the balance of my squad to this place.