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evening and found there was no stage to Austin until Monday evening. I am under obligation to Capt Collins & Lieut. Crowell Command't of Post for transportation to your Head Quarters.

I feel under peculiarly delicate obligations to Lieut. Charles Garrettson for his advance of $40 currency & to Capt Collins for his assumption of the responsibility of transportation $17.50/100 currency & hope this amount will be allowed.

I would very respectfully call your attention to the papers I left in care of Lieut Richardson assigning me to duty Oct 1st to date from that time. My expenses, have been heavier than I anticipated, in view of the delay occasioned by the prevalence of the epidemic. This makes me much straitened in Funds & I hope you may be able, without detriment to the Service, to place a stranger amongst strangers in a position of relief.

Assuring you of my readiness to enter into any work to which I may be assigned with energy of purpose, & willingness of action, which may advance the interests and well being of your District

I have the honor to be
Respectfully &c
A.F.N. Rolfe