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State of Texas
Executive Department,
Austin  Sept. 26th 1866.


General Kiddoo
Chief Freedman's Bureau
Galveston Texas,
Dr Sir:
   Enclosed I forward you papers relating to Orange Bray, for whose pardon, application waas made by your Bureau some time since.  These, and other papers, would have been forwarded some time since, but from the fact that I was expecting you at the Capital.  Thinking, that perhaps ill health, or business, has prevented your intended visit, I wait no longer, but send the papers without further delay.
   It will be seen from the Statement enclosed that Orange Bray was rightfully convicted and should not be pardoned. 
   In this connection I would say to you that I have pardoned two freedmen who weere sent to the penitentiary for theft.  Application was made by the Judge and