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T 25

The State of Texas }
County of Matagorda }

Before me P.E. Peareson a Justice of the Peace in and for said State and County this day come E.J. Inglehart Sheriff of Matagorda County aforesaid who being by me duly sworn deposed as follows to wit: That at the last regular Fall Term AD 1866 of this District Court, one Venia, a freedwoman was tried in said court on a charge of Assault with intention to kill J.H. Shortridge, that the jury trying the case failed to agree upon a verdict, the case was continued and said Venia was committed to the custody of said Inglehart Sheriff of said Matagorda County, to be taken to the Jail in Brazoria County there to be confined until the next regular term of said District Court of Matagorda County, Texas where said Venia was to be brought for trial of her cause by said Court: but that on the 22nd day of October AD 1866 one Charles F. Rand who calls himself a sub. Asst. Commr. of R.F. & A.L. in and for said Matagorda County came and by violence and force and threats of calling to his aid the U.S. troops quartered in the City of Matagorda in said County did take away from my custody said Venia, and now protects her by military force so that I am unable to recapture her lawfully and hold her as commanded by the Honble Dist Court aforesaid. 

signed E.J. Inglehart
Sheriff M.C.

sworn to and subscribed before me this 30th day of October AD. 1866

(signed) P.E. Peareson
J.P. M.C.