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Headquarters, District of Texas,
Galveston, Texas, December 22nd, 1866.

Capt. Geo. C. Lancaster.
17" U.S. Infantry,
Comdg Post - Hempstead.

The Commanding General directs; that you immediately detail fifteen (15) enlisted men, and a Non-Commissioned Officer from the troops under your command, and order them to report for duty to the Sub Ass't Commissioner, Capt. S.C. Sloan, Freedmans Bureau, at Millican Texas. The soldiers must be picked men, and the Non-Commissioner Officer, thoroughly competent, and reliable.

You will see, that the men detailed by you for this duty, are subsisted in kind, to which end, their Rations will be drawn on Separate Returns, on the regular issue days.

I am. Sir,
Very Respectfully
Your Ob'dt Servt.

(Signed) A.H.M. Taylor.
2nd Lieut 17" U.S. Infantry,
A.A.A. General