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1.  Indictment

The State of Texas
County of Bosque

In the District Court of said County Spring Term A.D. 1866

In the name and by the authority of the authority of the State of Texas.

The grand jurors good and lawful men of the State of Texas and County of Bosque duly tried on oath by the District Judge touching their legal qualifications as grand jurors, elected empannelled sworn and charged, to inquire into and true presentment make of all offences against the Penal laws of said State committed within the body of the County aforesaid upon their oath present.  That Daniel Jones a freedman of color, late of said county laborer on the twenty ninth day of April in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and sixty six with force and arms in the county aforesaid did then and there willfully fraudulently and feloniously in and upon one Sara Stagner (a female of fourteen years of age) in the peace of God and the State of Texas then and there being willfully unlawfully fraudulently and feloniously did make an assault, and her the said Sarah Stagner then and there forcibly and against her will feloniously unlawfully and willfully did ravish and carnally know contrary to the form of the Statute in such case made and provided and against the peace and dignity of the State

signed John Odle
Foreman of the grand jury

The State of Texas
County of Bosque

I do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a correct copy of the original Indictment No 159 found at the spring term of the District Court of said County AD 1866 against Daniel Jones Freedman of color

Witness a SS Thomas Clerk of the District Court of Bosque County.  Given under my hand and seal of said court at office in the town of Meridian this the 21st day of August AD 1866

{seal}  LS

signed  S.S. Thomas