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[[seal]] star of Texas[[/seal]]

State of Texas, 
Executive Department, 
Austin Nov 13th 1866.

Maj. Genl Kiddoo
Galveston, Texas


I desire to call your attention to the fact that the negroes are drilling in many localities in this State.  They are armed; and from the frequency of such conduct, I am satisfied that they are stimulated to do this by a low class of white people who really have sinister motives in view.  I have refrained from calling your attention to this matter until I should be thoroughly satisfied of its truth.  There is no good that can result to the blacks by such course of conduct, and it is well calculated to arouse fears in the minds of the people, where it is carried on.  It has frequently occurred in the suburbs of this city, and in various other portions of the State.  It is justly