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Executive Department
Austin Texas Jany 28th 1867.

County Judge
Wharton County
Wharton, Texas,

Sir: I am in receipt of an extract from a letter to Maj Genl Kiddoo, written by sub. asst. Com'r Freedman's Bureau, of your county, concerning the treatment of a freedman confined in jail for the killing of "Jake" a freedman

The statement is that the freedman is not properly treated as a prisoner &c.

I would respectfully call your attention to Articles 21 and 255, Code of Criminal Procedure, and request that you will examine into the facts, and see that the prisoner receive such treatment, as is contemplated by the law, and the same given to white men under similar circumstances. Also, be so good as to give me a statement of the facts in relation to the treatment of the prisoners.

Very Respectfully
Your ob't Ser't
J W Throckmorton
Gov of Texas

A true copy, 
J.W. Lane
Priv Secty

Transcription Notes:
just unsure of secretary name