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Headquarters, District of Texas, 
Galveston, Texas,  December 28th, 1866

Assistant Commissioner
Bu. R.F. and A. L.
Galveston, Texas.


I have the honor, by direction of the General Commanding the District to enclose herewith a copy of a circular letter, from these Head Quarters, of this date, which has been sent to all the military Posts:  and, to request, that you will please transmit to the Agents of your Bureau, throughout the State of Texas, similar instructions in order if possible to effect the arrest of the said "Alvin Cobb" - a refugee from justice and now under several criminal indictments, in the State of Missouri, where the heinous crimes charged to him were committed.

The arrest of this party is ordered, in compliance with instructions from the War Department, through the Department Commander. 

Please acknowledge receipt.

I have the honor to be , Sir, 