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Headquarters, District of Texas, 
Galveston, Texas, Dec. 28, 1866. 

On receipt of this you will immediately cause a diligent search to be made throughout such portion of country as may be readily accessible to your command, for the purpose if possible of discovering and arresting a man by the name of ALVIN COBB. His description is given as follows: 
"About six feet in height, and rather large, weighing from 180 
"to 200 pounds. Hair darkish, with sandy beard. One hand, 
"most probably the right one, off; sometimes wears a false hand. 
"Light blue eyes." 
Should you succeed in making this arrest, you will forward at once the said COBB to these Headquarters, under close guard. 
Please acknowledge receipt and communicate result by letter. 

By Command of Bv't Maj. Gen Griffin. 
A.H.M. Taylor
Act'g. Ass't. Adj't. General 

Respectfully furnished to accompany letter to Gen. Kiddoo, Asst. Comr Bu. R.F. & A.L. State of Texas Dated 28" Dec. 1866.