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Executive of Texas.

Austin Feby 8th 1867

Maj Genl Griffin
Comd'g Dist of Texas &
Asst. Com'r Bu R.F.& A.L.  Galveston

Enclosed I forward you copy of the reply of sub asst. Com'r at Waco, to a request of the Counsel of Dr. Bell, and others for copy of charges, upon which the parties were arrested and imprisoned.

From your communication to me of the 28th ult, and the assurance given by me in answer thereto, I had indulged the hope, that you would direct these parties to be turned over to the civil authorities, after a specific charge alledging the offence had been made by the Sub Com'r or other person.  

It will be seen by the reply of Capt. Manning, that no charge of any offence, has been made known to the parties arrested.  Surely in this enlightened day it cannot be possible that an officer of the Government of the U.S. will, by armed force, arrest citizens and confine them in prisons, and not make