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I have been thus particular, in order that the Federal authorities may know that freedmen pay no taxes that can go to the support of their indigent. The truth is our taxes are already so burdensome upon the people that provision cannot be made at this time, to care for the pauper freedmen, though in some counties, the local authorities are endeavoring to do so, and I make no doubt that at the next session of the Legislature, provisions will be made for this purpose. I trust, if you have not the authority already, that you will endeavor to secure a portion of the appropriation made by Congress for the support of the Bureau, and apply it for the benefit of this class of paupers. I expect there are fewer of them in this State than in any other. If you have reports as to the number, I would like to have them, in order to lay the whole question before the Legislature. 

I am, General, 
Most Respectfully 
Your Ob't Sv't

J W Throckmorton 
Gov of Texas.