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Wharton Feby 14th 1867.

Dear J. W. Throckmorton

Sir: Your favor of Jany 28th came to hand a few days ago, and in reply I have to say that ever since Capt. Horton, the Bureau agent, has been at this place he has apparently been trying to get up fuss with the citizens.  The facts in the case of Shadrack, for the killing of Jake, are as follows: they had a quarrel,- Shadrack struck Jake, and killed him.  He ran off, and was afterwards captured in Richmond, and sent back to Wharton.  Our jail is not secure and as a matter of [[strikethrough]] course [[/strikethrough]] safty, the Sheriff put irons upon him to secure him.  We make no difference in the treatment of prisoners white or black.  Some time since we had a white man in the jail, and to secure him the Sheriff ironed him.  The statement of the Agent is as false as all of their other misstatements, and it is done to engender strife.

(Signed) J.W. Veazey
Co Judge

A true copy
J.W. Lane
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