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E.B. 359/67
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Office Chief Quartermaster,
Washington, March 1 1867.

Respectfully returned to Bvt Lt Col. A.P. Ketchum, Actg. Asst. Adjt General, remarking that when ever it is practicable and when they can be procured on as favorable terms of the Qr Master's Dept. as they can be in open market, it is desirable that supplies required by this Bureau be purchased from the Qr Master's Dept. Officers of that Department, however, are not authorized to sell Qr Mrs stores to the Bureau without special authority from the Qr Master General, and this authority is granted only in cases where the supplies on hand will admit of the sale and transfer of the stores required. In view of this fact the Commissioner, by Circular No 2, from this office of Nov 28/67, (copy enclosed) directed officers of this Bureau, before forwarding their requisitions for his approval, to refer them to the officer of the Qr Mrs Dept at the station where the stores are to be drawn, for his remarks as to whether or not the supplies on hand will admit of the transfer. This is now the uniform practice; and it is respectfully recommended that the attention of the Asst. Commissioner for Texas be invited to the requirements of the circular referred to, and that he be furnished with a copy thereof.

Henry M Whittelsey
Bvt Brig General
Chf Qrmaster
Bu RF AL. 

[[stamp]] BUREAU R.F. & A.L. WASHINGTON. REC'D MAR 4 1867 [[/stamp]] Back