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Executive of Texas.
Austin April 10th 1867

Maj Genl Chas Griffin,
Com'd'g Dist of Texas,

Accompanying I send you a copy of letter received from Judge Gardener of Leon County, concerning paper [[pauper]] freedmen. I would most respectfully call your attention to this subject, and remark that the laws of the State authorize the counties to levy a tax equal to one-half of the State tax, which tax goes to the Support of the municipal affairs of such county. The counties also have a right to levy special taxes to build Court-houses and jails. Throughout the State the counties have levied taxes to the extent allowed by law, and it is impossible for them to collect taxes sufficient to support paupers either white or black, and meet other requirements of their organizations. The poverty of the counties as municipal corporations makes it an impossibility in many cases for them to meet the demands of humanity in this regard. The failure to do so does not arise from a want of inclination or sense of humanity and justice, but from utter poverty