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and inability to do so. I hope and trust it will not continue so long. With restoration and permanent government, there will be a return of prosperity; and then, I feel assured, our people will not be wanting in their duty.

I earnestly trust, General, if it is at all within the scope of your authority, or that of Maj Genl Howard, and is in accordance with the law, that some steps may be taken to assist the pauper freedmen in this State. I know full well that when you are satisfied that it is not within the power of our poverty-stricken State and counties to afford the relief needed, if within your province and authorized by the law, your humanity and kindness will prompt every exertion to secure as much relief for these people as it is possible.

I am, General,
Most Respectfully
Your ob't Sv't
J.W. Throckmorton
Gov of Texas