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Office Sub. Asst. Commissioner
Bureau of R.F. and A. Lands
Marshall Texas
March 31st 1867

O. Hendrick
County Judge Harrison Co.
In reply to your letter dated March 13th. 67 that His Excellency Gov. Throckmorton requests you to obtain from me a statement of each of the ten cases of shooting in this district from Jany 1. 67 to Feb. 16. 67 I have the honor to state that I do not feel authorized to make any such report either to His Excellency the Gov. of Texas or His Honor the County Judge of Harrison County My reports are made directly to the Commanding General, and any information His Excellency may wish, I have no doubt can be obtained from Headquarters where all of my reports are recorded. In the case of the pauper Children" His Excellency respectfully suggests that the County Court make provisions for them until they can be apprenticed &c appear that the matter rests wholly upon the charity of the County Court, and optional with that body whether paupers either old or young shall or shall not be cared for All paupers are equal in the eye of the law and the government allows no distinction.
In cases of aged black paupers, His Excellency requests you to make statement of the facts of the Bureau agent and ask that the Bureau take charge of them, as the state has made no provision, and the Genl Government has made ample provision for them, and that Texas pays her part of Taxation necessary to take care of them &c. Allow me to remark that