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the Bureau Agent has no authority to provide for paupers of any kind. On the contrary in Circular No 16. dated Galveston June 18th. 1866 sub asst comr. are ordered to transfer the cases of all paupers to the Chief Justice of their respective Counties.
The second paragraph of the letter of His Excellency A.J. Hamilton (a portion of Circular 16) says: "The proposition that a black man is to be taxed to create a county fund for the relief of unfortunate whites, and which he is not to share when under similar misfortune, is as false in law as it is reprehensible in morals. The fact that a County Court has failed to levy a sufficient tax to meet the duty imposed by law. The County can levy the maximum allowed by law, and if this should not be sufficient the fault will rest with them"
If His Excellency has no authority above a "respectful suggestion" it will be unnecessary for me to refer to other portions of your letter
I am Judge
Very Respectfully
Your obt. Servt.
Charles F. Rand
Brvt. Capt. V.R.C. sub asst comr.