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the contract in writing for their services the balance of the year, which he complied with to their satisfaction, the only man who thus acted in that section of the county. He bore the reputation of being a kind and humane master while they were slaves and has treated them justly and liberally since they became free. In consequence all or nearly all of his former slaves are yet with him on his place contented and comfortable. These facts should have I think some weight with the Bureau in dealing with this class of contracts. For were a man by his past conduct shows he will comply with his contracts in good faith and do justice to the freedmen he should be allowed a much wider margin than those who can furnish no such guarantee. But independently of these considerations the contract amended would seem to be just and fair between the laborer and capitalist under the circumstances. On the side of capital we have one of the richest and best improved plantations in the county; in addition the expense of providing and keeping in good condition and repair all the instruments of production including stock tools implements and subsistence of laborers together with the time and personal attention of the proprietor to superintend and direct the process of production. And if to these outlays we add the necessary advances made in cash for the comfort of