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the freedmen and their families and the partial support provided for the helpless and dependent in the privilege of having and cultivating gardens and raising poultry and so forth, I dont think the contract as amended will be found very far from the true mark. To illustrate, let us figure out the probable result. Col. Alston proposes to cultivate under his contract about 320 acres in cotton, and expects with an average fair season to raise at least 200 bales of 500lbs each; 180 acres in corn and expects a yield of at least 40 bushels per acre and to save from the 180 acres at least 45 stacks of fodder; 15 acres in potatoes which he estimates will yield at least 130 bushels per acre. Now if we estimate cotton at 20 cts per pound, corn at $1.00 per bushel, fodder at $30. per stack, and potatoes at 50 cts per bushel we figure out the following results from the above data which you can verify by making the calculations for yourself
Value of cotton—————— $20.000
Value of corn———————— 7.200
Value of Fodder ————— 1.350
Value of Potatoes———— 1.125
Divide by 3. –––––––– $29.675.
Freedmen's share————— $9.891 2/3