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Now if we divide the share of the freedmen by 31 the number of hands employed in production we find the share of each laborer to be $319.66 2/3 or upwards of $27.00 per month; greater than any wages ever received before by field hands in this country. The above is a low estimate, but will not even this result if generally realized triumphantly demonstrate the success of the free labor system in Texas over the old system of slavery in the very first year of its trial and place the brand of falsehood upon the brazen foreheads of the enemies to liberty progress and reform. I know your object is to do justice to the planter as well as the freedmen, (whatever prejudice may suggest to the contrary) and hence I have not hesitated to submit my views in all frankness to you in reference to this contract of Col. Alston's in its amended form and to respectfully ask your approval if in view of all the facts and circumstances of the case, you think it right and proper to do so. Should you conclude to approve the same as amended be pleased to return to me the enclosed form and I will hand it to the parties to be executed subject to such further directions as you may suggest. Hoping that the free labor system may be triumphantly vindicated under your auspices I remain
Very truly your friend. A.P. Wiley.