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New Braunfels, Comal Cy. Texas
March 15th 1866

Brigadier General Gregory
I have the honor to address you once more, reminding you of a petition, that was send to me by the Citizens of Bastrop Co. to procure for me the Freedman's Bureau Agency at that County, I had the same endorsed and send inclosed by a letter of mine through Hi Exc. Governor Hamilton to you. I had the honor to receive a letter from one of your Secretaries, stating the receipt of my petition and announcing to me at the same time, that you were on a tour through Texas and as soon as you returned my case should be laid before you. I heard nothing more of the same and learnt in the meantime that Bastrop Co was represented by a Freedman's Bureau Agency by some source whatever and not awaiting any farther answer to my petition I accepted the appointment offered to me by the Hon. Secretary of Treasury Mr. McCullock as Asst. Assessor of Internal Revenue of this County with the adjoining Hays Co.
Having been an early sufferer of the rebellion, being persecuted by human and animal bloodhounds I had to leave this State 1861 at its most furious outbreak and joined the Union Army at the North I came with the 19th Army Corps to the South again and served under General Banks until 1864 when he recommended me for meritorious services to the War Department, in which I received also an appointment as Clerk Class one, but my health failing me I had to remove by the advise of our Army physicians to my adopted State again. Now being a natural friend of Justice, of freedom, of righteousness, of a better and happier equalization of nations and individuals to