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Crockett, Texas, 
March 20th 1866

Brig. Genl E.M. Gregory:
I have just been apprised of a secret movement by Mr Curry, a lawyer in this place, to get the appointment of Sub Asst Com'r of the Bureau, in this place, and deem it my duty to write to you concerning the matter. Judging from recent actions on the part of Mr Curry, I do not consider him a fit person for the place. As a lawyer, he will do to trust; I have since my removal from the Bureau, sent him several colored clients, believing he would do them justice. But he has shown himself too anxious to wear the robe of authority; a few days ago, in my absence, he sent an order for a detail, to Capt Gray, signed Act'g Sub Asst Com'r and claimed to have authority from me, which he had not. I believe that his anxiety to have control of matters pertaining to freedmen arises from either