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#915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,
May 9th, 1904.


Dear Mr. Freer:--
The only letters  of consequence received since my letter of the 5th instant are the following:--
No. 10. From Mr. J. T. Coolidge, Jr., Boston.
11. Postmarked Madison Sq. Station, New York.
12. From Mr. Ross W. Whistler, Baltimore.
Recognizing the handwriting on the envelope of No. 10 as that of Mr. Coolidge, I opened it, as directed by you before you left. You will note that Mr. Coolidge returns all of the panels, they having been shipped from Boston on Saturday. They were not received at the house up to a few minutes ago. Immediately upon their receipt, I will write Mr. Coolidge, and the same time telling him that I have forwarded his letter to you. I fancy you will be pleased at his conclusion to send all of the panels back to you. 
I have also acknowledged the receipt of the letter from Mr. Whistler, telling him that you left for Europe last week and that his letter is being forwarded you.
I had a letter from Mr Ives this morning, written on Sat-