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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
April 26th, 1904.

Dear Mr. Ives:--

Earlier reply to your good letter of the 19th and 23rd instant has been delayed by my absence in New York and Massachusetts.

I could not wait to meet Mr. Canfield on his arrival in New York, but received from him while at Williamstown, Mass., yesterday, a message reading as follows:--

"Just arrived.  Letters received.  Have wired Ives will loan Rosa if place of honor accorded."

I shall write him to-day, thanking him for his courteous response to our mutual requests; and I now congratulate you upon having secured the "Rosa Corder" for exhibition in the United States Section.  Do give her the place of honor in your most important room.  She will preside with great dignity, and will, doubtless, be the greatest attraction of your entire department.

While in New York, Mr. Dewing and I called upon Messrs. Yamanaka & Company of #2554 Fifth Avenue, and arranged with their General Manager, Mr. D. J. R. Ushikubo, to borrow form them a group of beautiful, neutral-toned, ancient wood-carvings to hang