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above the line of pastels in Room 21.  We did this in accordance with a suggestion from Mr. Bixby, which meets the full approval of Messrs. Dewing and Tryon and myself; and I know it will also be liked by Miss Birnie-Philip.

Inasmuch as the pastels need to be hung on a line of easy vision, we felt that the space above would appear to better advantage if it were hung with these wood carvings.  We all also feel that you will delight in seeing them there.

Mr. Ushikubo proved bery enthusiastic in his response to our request, and has kindly agreed to lend the carvings free of charge, except for transportation to and from St. Louis, and has further agreed to have them placed on the walls, after the pastels are hung, by their own artist from Japan, who is now arranging the Yamanaka exhibit in the Japanese Department.  This artist is thoroughly competent to do the work, having been interested in such matters all his life.  The carvings will be shipped from New York by Messrs. Yamanaka & Company direct to him.  He will call upon you in due time for authority to place the carvings in position.  Will you kindly give him the necessary instructions when he calls.

The shipment of pastels will go from Detroit by the American Express, consigned to its own representative, with instructions