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#915 Union Trust Building, Detroit, Mich., May 19th, 1904.

Charles L. Freer, Esq.,
Care, Brown, Shipley & Co.,
#123 Pall Mall, London, S.W.

Dear Mr. Freer:-

Since my letter of the 16th instant, the following mail matter has been received:-

No. 20. Letter from Mr. Charles Moore,
" 21. " Postmarked Detroit,
" 22. " from Arnold Holmes,
" 23. " " Mr. Ralph Le Fever, New Paltz,
" 24. " " Fred'k W. Kelsey, New York,
" 25. Clippings from Mr. Romeike,
" 26. Letter from McKim, Mead and White.

You will also find enclosed herewith, a letter addressed to me from Mr. Halsey C. Ives, relative to insurance on the pastels. I have acknowledged its receipt, and told Mr. Ives that the Art Bldg. being absolutely fireproof, you did not deem it necessary to place insurance on the pictures, and, therefore, no valuations for such purpose were shown on the list sent him. I am sending you the letter for your information and pleasure in the matter.

Mr. George Russel has finally got together all the bills in connection with the reception given Colonel Hecker at the Detroit Club, and makes the balance $1,200.75; your check for which, I handed him yesterday.

A notice of the declaration of a dividend of $8.00 per share by the Standard Oil Company has been received. Last year's dividend for the same period was at $7.00 per share.

A bill for the coal for the coming Winter for Mr. George T. Freer's family, $119.60, was received this morning from Mr. Watson, and I