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#915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,
May 27th, 1904.

Mrs. Jane E. Krom,
Fly Mountain,
Ulster County,
New York.

Dear Madam:-

There has been received at Mr. Charles L. Freer's office, a letter addressed to him, and postmarked Fly Mountain, May 25th.

I assume that the letter is from you; and if so, beg to advise you that Mr. Freer is now in Europe, and expects to return to Detroit about June 15th or 20th.

There is hardly time for the letter to reach him before he leaves the other side, should I send it, and will therefore keep it here until he returns.

About May 12th, a letter postmarked Fly Mountain, was received, which letter, also, I assume was from you. It was forwarded on said date, to Mr. Freer at London.

Yours very truly, 
J. M. Kennedy