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#915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,
May 28th, 1904.

Charles V. Lang, Esq.,
3109 11th Avenue, South,
Minneapolis, Minn.

Dear Sir:-- 

In the absence of Mr. Charles L. Freer, who is now in Europe, I take pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of yours of the 25th instant, containing a draft on Chicago, to his order for $135.00, being in payment of six months interest, due May 30th, 1904, on your mortgage of note of November 30th, 1903.

With thanks for the remittance of which I will advise Mr. Freer, upon his return about June 15th; and handing to you enclosed herewith, coupon No. I, cancelled, I remain,

Yours very truly,
JM Kennedy

Transcription Notes:
Note that $ as it appears in the text is a double bar dollar sign, not single bar.