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#915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan, June 6th, 1904.

Halsey C. Ives, Esq.,
Chief, Department of Art,
In Account With CHARLES L. FREER, Dr.

[[6 columned table]]
|For expenses incurred in connection with the shipment of 34 pastels by Messrs. Whistler, Tryon and Dewing, for exhibition at the WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS, 1904:-|   |   |   |   |   |

|1904.|   |   |   |   |   |
|Apr.25.| Paid| W.S. Budworth & Son, New York, for collecting 6 pastels by Mr. Tryon and Mr. Dewing, and packing same,| $6.00|   |   |

|   |   |Express charges, New York to Detroit, prepaid, on same,| 1.40|$ 7.40|   |

|Apr. 30.| Paid| American Express Company, Express charges, Kingston, N. Y. to Detroit, on 1 pastel send by Mrs. W. M. Freer,|   | 1.15|   |

|May 19.| Paid| James E. Hanna, Detroit, for labor and material making 4 wooden boxes, and packing 34 pastels therein, at Mr. Freer's residence,|   | 12.00|   |

|May 3.| Paid| Pacific Express Company, express charges on above 4 boxes, Detroit to St. Louis, 547 lbs.,|   | 13.68|   |

|   |   |   |   |   |$34.23|

|   |   |RECEIVED PAYMENT,|   |   |   |
|   |   |June     , 1904,|   |   |   | 

Transcription Notes:
added table notations