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#33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan,
June 20th, 1904.

Paul Chalfin, Esq., 
Curator, Department of Chinese & Japanese Art, 
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass.

Dear Sir:-- 

On my return from Europe on Saturday last, I was pleased to find at my residence the four Japanese wood—panels from the Gillott Sale, which have recently been on exhibition. in your Museum. 

When next we meet, I will be pleased to give you an account of the discussion concerning these panels, which occurred at a dinner recently given in Paris by the "Friends of the Art of the Extreme Orient", and at which there were present practically all of the leading collectors of Oriental art now living in Paris. Mr. Hayashi and Mr. Motono, the Japanese Minister to France, were also present. The opinions expressed concerning the panels will interest you. 

Thanking you for the care shown to the panels while they were in your charge, I remain, 
Yours very sincerely, 
Charles L Freer