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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
June 20th, 1904.

Dear Matsuki:-

Your cablegram of May 27th was repeated to me to London, and in reply, I wired Mr. Kennedy to say to you that I would remit to you $10,000.00, gold, after July 1st, but that I would not care to purchase any paintings until after I could make personal examination of them. Enclosed herewith, you will find a copy of Mr. Kennedy's cablegram sent you on May 31st.

It was not convenient for me to remit you money this year until after my return to America.

I arrived here on Saturday last, the 18th instant, and during the next few days I hope to devote the most of my time to business. Immediately after July 1st, I will send you a draft for $10,000.00, gold, remitting the same by mail to your address at Kobe. I do this, hoping that it will help you in the purchase of the fine things.

You will, of course, understand that in declining to purchase through you examples of art which I Have not heretofore seen, I am, in no wise, doubting your judgment or in any way reflecting unkindly upon you; but I feel more and more the importance