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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
June 21st, 1904.

My dear Mr. Kingsley,

I have just returned from a trip to England, and find awaiting me here the card of invitation which you so kindly sent, inviting me to visit an exhibition of your wood-engravings and paintings shown in the galleries of the Lennox Library Building in New York. Had I known of the exhibition while passing through New York last week, I certainly would have paid it a visit, but I am not now sure of reaching New York again before the exhibition closes. I shall, however, bear it in mind, and still hope to have a chance to see it.

You are very well, I trust, and I hope that you are still receiving much comfort and delight in the work which means so much to you.

With all good wishes, I remain,
Yours very sincerely,
Charles L Freer

Elbridge Kingsley, Esq.,
Hadley, Mass.