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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
June 23rd, 1904.

Dear Mr. Mayer:-
I had expected to receive by yesterday's mail a detailed statement of my account with your firm, but, as it did not come, I fancy the matter has not yet received your attention because of a pressure of other matters. If I knew the exact figures, I would remit with this for the full sum due you, but, in looking up my memorandums, I find the information at hand incomplete. Being anxious to have the balance due on the Peacock Room reach you about July 1st, I am sending you herewith exchange on London for £3,400-0-0 Sterling, which, together with the £5,000-0-0 previously remitted, balances the account for the Peacock Room and the Portrait of Mr. Whistler. Will you be good enough to send me at your convenience receipted invoices covering the above mentioned transaction.

I think that you have full instructions concerning the shipping of the various parts of the room, but, in order to avoid any misunderstanding, permit me to repeat the wish that when ready the shutters and large door,decorated with the beautiful birds, and the large panel of the two peacocks at the end of the room be