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and, of course, has circulated generally throughout America. I have been besieged by reporters, but, of course, have declined to disclose the matter at all, and have refused either to deny or confirm the report. Of course, when the proper time arrives, I shall let the facts be known, but that will be considerably in the future. In the meantime, I want to thank you for your refusal to divulge my name, and I hope you will continue to treat the matter in strictest confidence. Let the newspapers remain in ignorance of all particulars. 
I shall look for your statement of account in the next English mail, and, immediately upon its receipt, I will take pleasure in remitting the balance due you.
From a letter just to hand from Miss. Birnie-Philip, I learn that she has ordered "Phryne" turned over to you for shipment to me. The little picture has been my property for some time, and, you may remember, was exhibited in the Scottish Academy Memorial Exhibition. I want to thank you in advance for the care which I am sure will be shown in the packing of this and the other paintings, drawings and prints in your possession belonging to me.
I suppose as yet there is no decision concerning the two small marines in the Forbes Collection, and, of course, it is