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still too early for further information concerning the Goldschmidt pictures. 

The weather here is very beautiful, and, while I enjoyed my short stay abroad, I am very glad to be home again, free of the inconvenience which always attends such hurried travelling as I was forced to do recently. 

I trust that you are keeping well and that the opportunity given to the public to see the Peacock Room is bringing much satisfaction both to the public and the members of your firm.

Yours very sincerely, 
Charles L. Freer

P. S. Since dictating the above letter, three copies of your illustrated descriptive catalogue of the Peacock Room have been received.  As I am likely to be called upon in the future for a considerable number of these pamphlets, will you kindly have, say fifty copies printed and sent to me by Merchants Despatch Transportation Company, together with bill for same. 

Gustav Mayer, Esq.,
C/o Obach & Co.,